1. 历史(二战前)| History[2] Main articles: History of the Labour Party (UK) and History of the socialist movement in the United Kingdom【主要条目:英国工党历史 和 英国社会主义运动历史】 主条目:英国工党党史 1.1 从起源到19世纪90年代 | Origins to 1890s 此图片属于公共领域 图片题注:Keir Hardi...
Beata Manthey, European equity strategist at Citi, noted that history shows U.K. markets tend to trade flat on average six months after Labour wins, but "meaningfully higher one year later." "On a relative basis, the UK market has tended to underperform 1-2 months after Labour wins, while...
UK: Britain’s Opposition Labour Party on Monday pledged to scrap Parliament’s unelected upper house if it wins Government as part of a raft if policies intended to stake out Labour's ground for the next election. 英国:英国反对党工党(Labour Party)周一承诺,如果工党的政策旨在为下一次选举奠定...
After seeing the council of the north London Borough of Barnet goes red for the first time in its history, its outgoing Tory leader, Daniel Thomas, said the loss was a "warning shot" to his party's leadership. "They (Labour) won the council, if they win our parliamentary constituencies ...
With the resurgent Scottish National Party threatening to grab 30 of Labour's 40 Scottish seats in the Westminster Parliament, and Labour's leader Ed Miliband proving the lowest-rated occupant of his position in polling history, Labour too are shivering at the UKIP intervention. So where do we...
From 1929,women,like men,could vote from the age of twenty-one.A new political party for working people-the Labour Party-became important in politics at this time. and in 1926,half a million workers went on strike罢工 to fight against low pay and long working hours. ...
Chapter2:historyoftheUnitedKingdom ageneralideaaboutthehistory majorstages greatfigureslessonlearningfromthehistory OBJECTIVES acquireageneralideaaboutthehistory learnaboutthemajorstagesandgreatfigures illustratetheinfluenceofBritishhistory findouttheinfluenceonthebusinesscultureand activities 7/4/2021 Quotation Histor...
Studying the history of the Grahamstown Lunatic Asylum under the medical superintendency of Dr Thomas Duncan Greenlees (1890-1907), the nature of imaging the institution emerged as a point of interest. This article specifically explores ... RD Plessis - 《Grahamstown Lunatic Asylum》 被引量: 0发...
recent history英国经济经历了20世纪70年代,特别是困难时期。石油价格的上升导致当时的通货膨 7、胀率很高(高达25)。这造成了许多工人罢工增加工资。在英国货币(英镑),甚至强迫劳动(社会主义)政府借用国际金融fund.british行业,特别是汽车行业,价值的下降似乎是不好的增加进口,相对于出口。所有这些导致了在下次大选转变...
British Rail: A New History — a timely reminder of how to run a railway Christian Wolmar’s examination of nationalisation reveals that in the 1980s and 1990s the system was making progress September 28 2021 Helen Thomas Southeastern mess is a fitting farewell to UK rail franchising ...