28 September 2022 | Energy transition, Green recovery, Policy, UK New manifesto urges government to focus on energy efficiency and not to abandon commitments on carbon reduction, nature restoration and waste. Jacobs and WSP join hydrogen alliance 28 September 2022 | Business, Energy transition,...
The UK government’senergy security strategy, published in April 2022, sets out how Great Britain will accelerate the deployment of wind, new nuclear, solar and hydrogen, while supporting the production of domestic oil and gas in the nearer term – which could see 95% of electricity by 2030 b...
TheUK’s first-ever Hydrogen Strategydrives forward the commitments laid out in the Prime Minister’s ambitious10 Point Planfor a green industrial revolution by setting the foundation for how the UK government will work with industry to meet its ambition for 5GW of low carbon hydrogen product...
The project plans to safely remove created afrnodmstgoerneetrhaetinCgOt2heemissions hydrogen, using the Acorn carbon capture and storage infrastructure. The first Acorn Hydrogen plant is due to be operational in 2026, subject to government approvals. 24. UK Government Ten Point Plan for a Green...
“But there are important applications for hydrogen in particular industries so it can be, in the words of one witness to our inquiry, “a big niche”. “We welcome the Government’s high-level strategy and support of hydrogen trials, but future decisions on the role of hydrogen must increa...
Plans to develop a “world leading” low carbon hydrogen economy capable of producing 5GW of power for homes, transport and industry by 2030 have been published by the UK government.The UK hydrogen strategy sets out ambitious plans to grow the sector through a ‘whole-systems approach’, and...
past year, including the plans to double the UK’s capacity targets rising from 5GW to 10GW, if possible, by 20302. Future clarity has also been improved with the introduction of the Hydrogen Investor Roadmap in April 2022 and the Hydrogen Strategy Update to the Market in December ...
"Government will set out a clear framework for making policy and [will] provide clarity and reassurance on the UK direction on regulations and how to amend for emerging risk," Latter said. "We have the main tool of UK REACH. We are working across the government on a UK-wide ...
A recent BSI hydrogen workshop brought together more than 100 participants actively involved in hydrogen standardisation. They discussed the UK hydrogen strategy and roadmap to 2030 and how BSI, as the National Standards Body, can best support the UK’s hydrogen ambitions. ...
Christopher QuartonSheila Samsatli22nd World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Rio de Janeiro