Mileage allowance As a self-employed person, you can add up all your motor expenses for the year and work out the separate business element of the total cost. However, keeping track and working this out takes time and effort. Instead,you can claim mileage allowance, a simplified expense that...
First things first, head over to and fill in the maternity entitlement calculator. We found this a useful and simple-to-use resource. Bear in mind that the Test Period is the basis for your eligibility assessment, which is the 66 weeks prio...
If our retirement future is an unknown country, then their words act like an audio tour guide. We learn something about what really matters – and as ever, theexperience of othersmight help us find our own path. Plus it’s interesting to read. There’s nowt so queer as folk! Okay, le...
so don’t delay. To register for Self-Assessment, you must visit the registration page and enter your details. If you are a business partner, the process is slightly different and you will need to register
We have to collect some data when you use this website so it works and is secure. We'd also like your consent to collect data to study how people use our site. Doing so helps us improve our services and allows us to tailor the marketing you see on our site. Select 'Accept cookies...
Savings on fuel and servicing that really mean business. Companies using electric vehicles can expect to enjoy lower running costs, lower BiK rates and better write-down allowance. Business Electric Car Benefits Pioneering 7 Year Warranty A sustainable car is one that lasts, and that’s very much...