RCN Responds To End Of Life Care Strategy Report, UKRoyal College of Nursing
Aim: To appraise literature concerning end-of-life care (ELC) in adult critical care units in the UK in order to improve clinical practice. Objective: To understand the interplay between legal and ethical, political, societal aspects of ELC for sustainable quality care. Background: ...
The Dying Matters Coalition, set up following the UK Government's End of Life Care Strategy in 2008, is led by the NCPC (UK umbrella organisation). Dying Matters supports changing knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards dying, death and bereavement, and through this to make 'living and dyi...
Background The ethos of end-of-life-care (EOLC) embraces both carers and patients. For over a decade UK healthcare policy has acknowledged that carers' needs should be assessed and addressed in EOLC. Aim To review national policy/guidelines on carers and EOLC examine how policy addresses ca...
The most valued sessions covered BE, ILD, end of life care, inhalers, pulmonary rehabilitation, respiratory history taking and the breathless patient. Case studies and the delivery of the training by local respiratory consultants were appreciated. The need for such a course was confirmed. Other ...
On genomics, he added, the country is going “further and faster”, and ensuring synergy between the Rare Disease Framework and the UK Genomic Healthcare Strategy. “We now know that 80% of rare diseases have a genetic origin. Genomic technology, therefore, has a key r...
boris johnson announced a review of britain's defense and security strategy, which will include a focus on military procurement. dominic cummings, johnson's senior adviser, a critic of past procurement, last year described the military procurement process as a farce and accused the forces of "...
While the documents to provide will largely be determined by the nature of your business and your circumstances, the following will generally be the minimum you should submit: a. Business Plan: A comprehensive and detailed document outlining your business idea, strategy, financials, and growth ...
The government's mental health strategy has also seen an investment of £400 million to expand talking therapies. Nick Clegg said, "Mental health affects every aspect of our lives. One in four people in the UK will experience a mental health problem and it costs the country more than £...
Even for those of us who enjoy our careers and get along with our bosses – or are our own bosses – work life can be stressful, and it can be difficult to switch off and leave it all behind at the end of the working day.