英国神秘海上计划!新型无人艇锁定俄乌战场 | 《英国国防杂志》(UK Defence Journal)报道,英国国防部8日宣布,将在本(1)月22日举办库克森计划(Project COOKSON)产业座谈会,邀请北约(NATO)、乌克兰及五眼联盟(Five-Eyes)等国厂商,共同研发新型海上武器系统,以强化乌克兰的海上作战能力。 #俄乌战争速报 #无人艇 ...
据英国“UKDefenceJournal”网站、英国《独立报》等多家英国媒体当地时间9日报道,停靠在苏格兰格伦马兰的英国航空母舰“伊丽莎白女王”号发生火灾。 目前尚无人员伤亡报告。 据报道,船上的一名工作人员称,截至目...
Widely anticipated to set out the equipment and personnel changes that would be required to address the acceleration of the threats identified in IRR2023, the new document ultimately offers very little in this regard.Conrad WatersEuropean Security & Defence...
Plus – a new journal from Foster + Partners – was launched today as a ‘digital-first’ publication on fosterandpartners.com. Every month, new articles will be added, showcasing both the in-depth research and the broad array of the firm’s interdisciplinary collaboration within the practice ...
Infection control and Counteractive action requests a fundamental comprehension of the study of disease transmission of maladies, chance factors that expansion quiet defencelessness to contamination, and the practices, methodology and medicines that may bring about diseases. Late systems have demonstrated ...
Brig Gen Ali Ahmed Khan, director general of Fire Service and Civil Defence, told The Daily Star that 24 survivors and a dead body had been found at one point under the third floor. Between 1:30am and 2:05am today, another 20 trapped workers were rescued and sent to hospitals. About ...
In the UK’s system, the court acts as a referee between the prosecution and the defence. In the UK, the first statute governing the NDNAD was the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, which enabled the databasing of DNA profiles. The Act permitted DNA records of all individuals ...
CONCEPTSThe article offers information on the plans of Great Britain's Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) to begin research to investigate a future recoverable offboard decoy system for anti-ship missile defense.Journal of Electronic DefenseScott, R....
UK widens scope for defence outsourcingOutsourcing was one of the few growth opportunities to emerge from the UK's Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) of October 2010, as the government outlined drastic personnel reductions and made clear its desire to improve the efficiency of its ...
The 34 Citizens Advice cases they dismissed out of hand, stating – in October 2014, in their detailed grounds of defence of UNISON’s application for judicial review in the High Court – that “the methodology of the study is such that one cannot be confident of its reliability”, and ...