The ONS also said Britain's current account deficit widened by more than expected in the first three months of 2020. The balance of payments deficit – a long-standing concern for investors because it leaves Britain reliant on foreign inflows of cash – grew to 21.1 billion p...
In September 2014, Labour outlined plans to cut the government's current account deficit and balance the budget by 2020, excluding investment. The party carried these plans into the 2015 general election,[106] which Labour lost. Its representation fell to 232 seats in the House of Commons.[107...
Singled out by theInternational Monetary Fundlast year as being the fastest-growing economy in the G-7, the U.K. still faces criticism that its high current account deficit could push it toward a currency crisis. Carl Weinberg, chief economist at High Frequency Economics, told CNBC this week ...
The first-quarter growth rate was roughly half that seen in the last six months of 2014, but most economists and the Bank of England expect growth to pick up later this year. Britain's current account deficit also fell to 26.548 billion pounds from an upwardly revised 28.93 billion pounds, ...
This paper describes the path of the UK's net asset position with the rest of the world. Notwithstanding that the UK has run a substantial current account deficit for over a quarter of a century, at the beginning of 2009 the net asset position was not far off balance. The paper begins ...
Ms Truss quickly discovered that one should not attempt to offer a spending bonanza against the backdrop of sharply rising inflation and interest rates, a punishing global energy crisis, as well as a British current account deficit which ballooned to an unprecedented 8 per cent of gross domestic...
Then there is Britain's reliance on what formerBank of EnglandGovernor Mark Carney called "the kindness of strangers" to offset its large current account deficit, the second-biggest in the Group of Seven after the United States. Sanjay Raja, Deutsche Bank's chief UK economist, said many of ...
Since being outside the EU, the UK doesn't have a trade deficit with the US, which is what Trump "hates... despite the benefits it gives American consumers in cheap goods". The UK exports to the US approximately £70bn more than it imports, he says. ...
The UK has a seriouslyunbalanced economy, with little spare capacity and a slow trend rate of growth. To correct its imbalances, the current account deficit and the cash flow surpluses of the corporate sector need to fall. This would permit a fall in the fiscal deficit, but requires afall...
The Trustee considered the impact on the assets, liabilities and therefore surplus/deficit for each of the of the three scenarios considered, as well as in the "climate uninformed" base case. We have shown the output of the current investment strategy scenario testing below. Current surplus ...