This report provides a summary of the UK weather and climate through the calendar year 2021, alongside the historical context for a number of essential climate variables. This is the eighth in a series of annual “State of the UK Climate” publications and an update to the 2020 report (Kendo...
Climate Graphs Climate Finder Travel Planner History Graph New York Los Angeles London Satellite Europe Africa North America Asia UK Weather Reports Simon's Morning Call ΞSnow showers far north. WeatherOnline scratchbox ΞSleet and snow gradually... ...
For all sorts of reasons, UK politicians do at last seem to have grasped that we are in the midst of an out-and-out Climate Emergency. Despite people’s worst fears that the whole climate agenda would be sidelined by the pandemic over the course of the last year, that just didn’t ha...
Brazilian Weather - Historical data (In Portuguese) - Data related to climate and weather [...] [Meta] Canadian Meteorological Centre [Meta] Climate Data from UEA (updated monthly) [Meta] Dutch Weather - The KNMI Data Center (KDC) portal provides access to KNMI data on weather, [...] ...
It’s creating generational divides that put social cohesion at risk – even as up-and-coming generations are still meant to bankroll the NHS,long-term care, State Pensions, and cleaning up the climate crisis. Back to retirement, and divorce looms large as a catastrophic roll of the dice ...
2021 Companies were required to disclose the share of Taxonomy KPIs related to taxonomy-eligible activities for CCM and CCA objectives (outlined in the Climate Delegated Act). 2022 Companies were required to disclose the share of Taxonomy KPIs related to both taxonomy-eligible and taxonomy-aligned ...
"Our concern is that those countries most deeply affected by the climate crisis and those countries suffering from the lack of support by rich nations in providing vaccines will be left out of the talks and conspicuous in their absence at COP 26," said Tasneem Essop, C...
Economic climate expectations of retailers in the Netherlands 2020-2021 Hungarians on necessity for more COVID-19 testing 2020, by party Extent of self-isolating after developing symptoms of COVID-19 Singapore 2020 Distribution of Hungarians who needed medical care during COVID-19 2020 ...
The ACU and the British Council have partnered to establish the Commonwealth Futures Climate Research Cohort, supporting 26 rising-star researchers to bring local knowledge to a global stage in the lead-up to the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26). Throughout 2021, this unique...
Reform of the way policy is delivered in this area needs to be financially sustainable, equitably distributed, and environmentally effective in achieving nature recovery and climate goals for rural spaces (Jambor and Harvey, 2010, Helm, 2017; Bateman and Balmford, 2018; Navarro and López-Bao, ...