The article explores the difference between the board of trustees in British and American charities, which includes American boards seeing more progress in their 'consent' agenda and the initiative of American board members to make donations to their organization.Hudson...
The UNA-UK is a grassroots offshoot of the UN, dedicated to building a fairer world. UN event first for Aston uni On his part, UNA-UK Board of Trustees' Chairman Sir Jeremy Greenstock stressed the leading role played by the UN in the domains of international peace and security. Kuwaiti ...
Fearn v Board of Trustees of the Tate Gallery , required the UK Supreme Court to resolve claims that by operating an open-air terrace, from which visitors could enjoy a high-level view of London, the defendants were committing the tort of private nuisanc
At the end of 2021, our board of trustees named sustainability as one of our core values and a primary goal for our association. In January 2022, we published our first environmental action plan. It is clear that climate change cannot be ignored, but what further action should we take as...
The British Council seeks an inspirational Chair to head the UK's leading international cultural relations charity. The Chair leads a talented Board of Trustees with bold ambitions for the British Council and represents it at the highest levels in UK and across the world....
Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji (Sri Swamiji) is the founder and Life President of the charity, Sri Datta Yoga Centre (UK) (Sri DYC UK) which operates under an appointed Board of Trustees. Brief History A Muslim saint (Sufi master) predicted to ...
Steve served as the President and Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Chartered Banker Institute, having previously served as a Vice President and Senior Vice President, and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Kent for services to banking. Term of Office: Appointed in ...
AQA is a registered charity, independent of the government, and is managed by a board of trustees who have responsibility for the overall strategy and direction of the organisation. The organisation has been around for almost 20 years, having been formed from a merger between the Associated Exa...
The inadequacies of English common and statutory law have left a noticeable gap in the UK's protection of physical privacy. Mann J's decision in Fearn v Board of Trustees of the Tate Gallery helped fill this gap as it acknowledged that overlooking between neighbours could constitute an actionabl...
The Board of Trusteesis the member voice of English UK. Each trustee works in the industry in a variety of centres and settings. Each one is on the board because members voted for them. Last month, they set the tone for our coming work, our vision and values, establishing a foundation ...