tabular-dataabidedatasetphenotypicdata-dictionaryphenotypedatasetsbidsabcdukbtabularhcpukbiobankabide-dataukbbpnchbnabcd-studynki UpdatedAug 1, 2023 Python Create binary traits for UKbio using ICD/OPER/medication/self reports/age of diagnosis/visit-dates etc). The current output includes variables on histo...
This file was initially the UK Biobank data dictionary, which can be downloaded from the UK Biobank websitehere. This data dictionary provides the following set of information about fields, used in this phenome scan tool: ValueType column - the field type, either 'Integer', 'Continuous', 'Ca...
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the UK Biobank but restrictions apply to the availability of these data, which were used under license for the current study. The raw data are only available to approved researchers via the UK Biobank. Abbreviations CI: Confide...
This file was initially the UK Biobank data dictionary, which can be downloaded from the UK Biobank websitehere. This data dictionary provides the following set of information about fields, used in this phenome scan tool: ValueType column - the field type, either 'Integer', 'Continuous', 'Ca...
This file was initially the UK Biobank data dictionary, which can be downloaded from the UK Biobank websitehere. This data dictionary provides the following set of information about fields, used in this phenome scan tool: ValueType column - the field type, either 'Integer', 'Continuous', 'Ca...