• Each individual production kit comes complete with isolated Kick, Hats,Top, Perc, Snare & Full Drum Loops, Bassline Loops, Guitar Loops, Chord Loops, Synth Loops & FX Loops all neatly organized & named with key, tempo and instrument info....
Format:(.WAVs) & (.MIDIs) 030 x Bassline (.WAVs) Loops 010 x Drum (.WAVs) Loops 010 x Chord (.WAVs) Loops 010 x Synth (.WAVs) Loops 070 x Bassline (.MIDIs) Loops 025 x Drum (.MIDIs) Loops 002 x Chord (.MIDIs) Loops 010 x Riff (.MIDIs) Loops 165 x Files In Total ...
技术革新:推动DAW(数字音频工作站)普及,如Logic Audio和FruityLoops(现FL Studio)成为卧室制作人的标配,降低了音乐创作门槛。 流派衍生:直接催生了Grime(如Dizzee Rascal早期作品)、Dubstep(如Skream的《Midnight Request Line》受2-step影响)、Bassline等新流派。 全球化渗透:2000年代初期通过R&...
Tag: 140 bpm Dance Loops Synth Loops 1.16 MB wav Key : Unknown 140 Bpm的Dub Bass Groove by BEATMATCH_info 来源Freesound 详情 下载 wav 2.3 MB 1406 kbps ... 描述:Grime bassline使用Ableton Live 8创建。 Bassline | Grime |循环|合成|低音 “数字”样品包是295种高品质免版税合成鼓声和一次...
Rewind Samples Albzzy UK Bassline WAV Albzzy 是一位来自英国的才华横溢的制作人和 DJ,以其精心制作的英国贝斯线曲目而闻名。他多年来一直活跃在乐坛,以其独特的声音而享有盛誉。Albzzy 在 Crucast、Armada Music 和 DND Records 等唱片公司发行了许多曲目,并得到了 BBC Radio 1、Kiss FM 和 Rinse FM 等...
描述:在FL Studio 11中使用AM KarBass创建的Bassline。 Tag: 98 bpm Dancehall Loops Synth Loops 1.65 MB wav Key : Unknown 黑暗物质 合成器 98 BPM by skella 来源looperman 详情 下载 wav 1.65 MB 1411 kbps ... 描述:在FL Studio中使用AM Unifyer合成器制作。 Tag: 98 bpm Dancehall Loops Sy...
‘UK Bass House Vol 01’ by Eksit Sounds features 10 Construction Kits across drums, bass, FX and musical loops. If you are looking for ideas to start your next UK Bassline banger, you are gonna want to dive into this collection. This pack include loops and one shots and is designed ...
with any of your favourite bass-heavy genres, not least limited to UK Drill and Grime. You’ll be delighted when you experiment with this sound palette within any Trap, Hip Hop, Dubstep, UK Techno or Bassline compositions. The flexibility of this collection has to be heard to be believed....
015 x Brass Loops And (One-Shots) 426 x Drum Loops And (One-Shots) 090 x Music Loops And (One-Shots) 030 x String Loops And (One-Shots) 048 x Synth Loops And (One-Shots) 130 x Vocal Loops And (One-Shots) 053 x FX 792 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Loops/Samples) Files In Total...
Freaky Loops Heavy Bass and UK House | WAV | 626 MB “Heavy Bass & UK House” defined by pitch-bent dirty basslines and rave-style synth stabs over glitchy 4/4 beats. Takes influence from contemporary styles, including Bassline and UK Garage. A brand new