There's also a Random Robot Sumo Fight where various robots try and stay in the ring with Shunt in an event called Sumo Basho (quite witty, actually, as a Basho is a bout in Sumo wrestling as well as being a play on a synonym for fighting). Later years In a surprising turn of...
Team 3D are backstage with the Motor City Machine Guns, and Bubba says it's strange to be excited about a retirement match from what they love doing the most, and are mostly excited about wrestling the Guns. The Gu...
Behind the newly formed Big Three of Paul Pierce (pictured), Kevin Garnett, and Ray Allen, the Boston Celtics went from 24-58 in the previous season to NBA champions--the franchise's record 17th NBA title and first since 1986. After all, according to Garnett, "Anything is possible." 201...
but Drake makes a save before Flash just cannonballed off the top into the champions. Gallus came in and were apparently legal, with Wolfgang slingshotting Andrews into a death valley driver for a near-fall, before Flash returned to become a nuisance again, helping with a bicycle knee to s...
Stomps keep Stoker on the deck, with a bulldog and an airy springboard double back elbow having the champions down. A dropkick through the ropes knocks Howley into the barriers, while a tope has Stoker down… but back inside, Williams’ crossbody is caught, before he countered into a ‘ra...