就业方面:项目有一个企业sponsored,为期一学期的practicum projects让学生把项目所学运用到实际商业环境中,合作企业有I.B.M.,Morgan Stanley,CME Group芝加哥商品交易所等。包括1个summer做实习,大部分中国学生的实习地点是在国内。就业的话,...
做好抢课、找人代抢、考proficiency test,以及summer term上CS的准备的话我觉得能转 ...
four hours every day doing head-hurting self-reflection, it’s easy to forget to take care of your other demands as a living person. Don't be like me: I used to skip sleep or just stay in my room all day j...
1. 来校之前(6月-8月): 所有投行以及部分买方的Summer Intern 申请已经全部开放,一个准备到位的就读学生应该在这段时间刷绿皮书(A practical guide to quantitative finance)和leetcode。精心修改简历。 2. Career Fair (9月):因为UIUC的MFE是工院和商院一起开的项目,因此可以去两场Career Fair。其中Engineering...
- Students may secure an internship in the summer between second and third semesters +Practicum must be taken in third semester if not taken in second semester How the hours breakdown: A Minimum of 48 hours required for graduation Admission ...