A course can be applied to more than one requirement simultaneously. The credit hours, however, will not be counted twice. An example of a course which meets multiple requirements is ME 471 Finite Element Analysis. This course fulfills the Math/Computational Science requirement as well as 3 or...
Much of my research was to be done in the local Champaign County Historical Archives, which got put on hold when the lockdown went into effect. However, our local archive offers a great online catalog to peruse, and through that and other online resources, I was able to put together a p...
In 2011, a time when most young students associated computers with online entertainment, a then Year 1 Eddy J was already going against the grain by delving into basic programming, his keyboard clatter and tapping echoing...
We scraped multiple websites using an online tool to populate our initial database of housingInfos. Diagram Requirements These are requirements to run the development website locally. Links to downloads are provided below. Python Node.js PostgreSQL Installation Install the requirements. Clone the ...
First, we introduce Spark machine learning, which is a powerful way to apply machine learning techniques that we learned earlier in this course to large data sets. Second, we introduce deep learning. Deep learning has become an incredibly popular form of machine learning that generally leveraged ...
The course is intended for seniors and graduate students in CEE and CEE online students. *W. Charles Greer, Jr., P.E. is a graduate of the University of Illinois with B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering. He is a registered professional in Georgia and Florida. During his over...
_Course Notebook_ - Explore the course [Introduction to Deep Learning][l1nb] IPython Notebook on the course JupyterHub server. _Other Material_ - Introduction to Neural Networks, [Part 1][inn1] and [Part 2][inn2] - Introduction to [Deep Learning][idl] - [Deep Learning][ndl] in a ...