十、图书馆与信息科学研究生院 图书馆与信息科学研究生院(School of Library and Information Science)成立于1892年,不断鼓励学生进行大胆的思考,进行大胆的实践。 十一、媒体学院 媒体学院(College of Media)注重协作与创新,随着现代社会的媒体格局的演变不断更新教学内容。 该学院提供了新闻、广告以及媒体与电影研究...
所有图书馆中,Undergraduate Library是最受学生欢迎的图书馆,它位于学校中心玉米试验田旁,为了防止影响试...
UIUC的iSchool下面是有两个专业的,分别是Information Management以及Library and Information Science。两个...
As the scattergram above reveals, students who get into UIUC tend to have relatively strong GPAs and test scores. The blue and green represent accepted students, and most of them had a high school average of B+ or higher, an ACT composite score of 20 or higher, and a combined SAT scor...
utility scripts for working with coordinate files from the UIUC Airfoil Database: http://m-selig.ae.illinois.edu/ads/coord_database.html - jdcasey/airfoil-utils
我们的初心是帮助更多的同学申请到 Dream School !最后,桑尼扒了伊利诺伊大学的宣传片,快来体验一番吧...
这一天出去注意不要太疯狂,毕竟是派对学校(Party School)。兄弟姐妹会(Greek Life)在学校是很流行的...
UIUC School Overview U of I is a very large, public research institution with more than 150 programs of study. Fun fact: it houses the United States’ second largest college library. U of I is best known for its engineering and business schools. In fact, US World and News currently rank...