这个过程叫做Withdraw。 Drop课程的具体要求 如果你已经选了一门课,但后来发现不太适合自己,想要Drop它,这里有一些具体的规定。 首先,如果你在课程进行到一半时才决定要Drop,你需要填写一个Late Course Change Form,并且需要提供充分的理由。 如果你在课程进行到一半之前Drop,那就没有任何手续和损失。 结语 关于如何...
2. Plan to meet the application deadline Visit ourApplication Deadlines pageto review the deadlines for all of our Graduate Programs.All application materials, including the application fee, must be received by the posted deadline. (Posted deadlines are for U.S. Central Time Zone).Late applicati...