雅思6.5 ,各单项6.0以上 International English Language Testing System (IELTS) academic exam scores of 6.5 overall and 6.0 in all subsectionsGPA条件 平均分80-89分之间 Full Status Admission Minimum GPA Requirements:75% if B = 75 - 84%80% if B = 80 - 89%美国伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校(...
Fast forward to today, as a member of the Class of 2024, Eddy reflects on his journey from those early days to soon pursuing Computer Science (CS) at the prestigious Grainger College of Engineering at the University ...
Hello guys, i am international student from Peru, i have been admitted as a transfer student to both this universities for computer science. I was wondering if any of you had some insight as to which is better or the advantages and disadvantages of them. Thank you very much!
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