UIUC的统计学有两个方向,分别是MS in statistics和MS in statistics:Analytics Concentration,其中MS An...
第一学期的课是Financial Computing(C++),Statistics in Finance(R), Introduction to Finance(R),半...
学长我想问一下,工院里的international major怎么样?有没有经验可以请教一下? sodhf 核心吧友 6 我现在大一、二本校、想大二转过去、要求是什么、我想学心理学现在学的是国贸专业、求回复 谜晨 知名人士 10 露珠你好XD~我想问一下LAS的statistics怎么样?奖学金好申请吗?学费大概是多少?谢谢露珠^_^ 灵儿...
那个cs6门课就double major的,我听说过不知道是不是真的。但是想想stat的rank 再想想cs的rank。。 我们这届确实有很多人在上cs的课。 本科生是有 stat * cs的。 Credit to 鱼叔叔 *** 2017 fall UIUC MS in Statistics 学习1 年半~就读体验+答疑 编辑于2019.02 生活的诸多方面,有什么是你一度感觉很不...
性质:公立型大学 Semester制 在校生人数:32,695 录取率:66% 国际生比例:15.4%(来自119个国家)...
Explain your interest in the major you selected and describe how you have recently explored or developed this interest inside and/or outside the classroom. You may also explain how this major relates to your future career goals. [300-400 words]. ...
UIUC硕士的话 申请材料不出错基本就ok 学校推荐可看你对自己什么要求了 想去尽量好的学校 第一步 远离...
1 村,是真的村 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,下简称为...
Tennis champion Andre Agassi, who retired in 2006. Agassi was a terrific player who won 60 titles, including 8 major championships. When he was young, Agassi was a showoff who seemed to care only about himself. He didn’t train very hard, but he won matches because of his tremendous tal...
If you select a second-choice major other than the Division of General Studies on your application, write a second essay explaining your interest in this major, too. [300-400 words]. ◆学习费用◆ 申请费: 美国国内学生$50,国际学生$75 ...