Master有两个项目: M.S. in Statistics M.S. in Statistics: Analytics Concentration 我们的项目负责人说这两个项目可以互相转,所以没有本质区别。修的课也差不多。 今年的录取情况如下: • Total Applicants: 912 • Cohort Size: 75 • Domestic: 11 • International: 64 • Undergraduate Majors: ...
美国UIUC大学工程录取详细标准是:1、本科:高中毕业,两篇文章,ACT/ SAT,雅思6.5 (单项分数不低于6.0)或新托福79以上(官网上从前是这个标准,但从2014年起此标准已经不再官网中出现,所以如果没有90分以上的成绩不要申请。工程等学院至少102以上);艺术、舞蹈、音乐、戏剧类申请人有特殊要求。2...
Prospective students with an M.S or B.S degree (or expected by the time of admission) in ...
Applicants must have graduated from an accredited college or university prior to matriculation. Applicants must complete the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) prior to application consideration. Future applicants should have strong backgrounds in biology, chemistry/biochemistry, mathematics/statistics, phys...
UIUC硕士的话 申请材料不出错基本就ok 学校推荐可看你对自己什么要求了 想去尽量好的学校 第一步 远离...
Prospective studentswith an M.S. or B.S. degree (or expected by the time of admission) in ...
因为加州的社区大学与UC系统的大学签订了TAG协议(Transfer Admission Guarantee,即转学入学保证),所以...