“We’re looking for students who have the personal qualities to succeed on and contribute to our campus. In addition to strong academic success, you should be able to demonstrate some impact or level of accomplishment in your school, your community, your state, or nationally. Activities should...
your community, your state, or nationally. Activities should indicate your strengths and skills, ...
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a public research institution with an acceptance rate of 62%. The flagship campus of the University of Illinois system spans the twin cities of Urbana and Champaign. UIUC consistently ranks amongthe top public universitiesin the country. The school...
1、本科:高中毕业,两篇文章,ACT/ SAT,雅思6.5 (单项分数不低于6.0)或新托福79以上(官网上从前是这个标准,但从2014年起此标准已经不再官网中出现,所以如果没有90分以上的成绩不要申请。工程等学院至少102以上);艺术、舞蹈、音乐、戏剧类申请人有特殊要求。2、研究生:大学本科毕业,雅思6....
I completed my internship at the Illinois Distributed Museum during the Fall of 2020 With it being 2020, this obviously means my internship was inseparable from the strain all the events that 2020 has brought the world. But with the museum itself being online regardless of the state of the wo...
Find everything you need to know about University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, including tuition & financial aid, student life, application info, academics & more.
2、美国大学Master定校指标:学费和经济资助(Tuition and financial aid) 美国高等教育的高花费是一些国际留学员的一大看重点。对于这些学生来讲,深度调察学费花销和相关经济资助情况是了解美国高校时十分重要的一点。纵然对于留学员的支持是有限的,并且竞争激列,只不过好消息是昂贵的著名学府通常也提供很丰厚的助学金。
计算机科学硕士,数据科学方向 Degree by University of Illinois 伊利诺伊大学学位 Builds expertise in ...