Course Warlock UIUC Students have a confusing amount of options for getting information about their courses, including Enhanced Registration, Classic Registration, the Course Catalog, the Course Explorer, GPA++, Waf’s Gen Ed by GPA visualizations, Waf's Grade Disparity Between Sections visualizations,...
I work with students from the 8th grade and onward. It’s never too early to get involved in anything related to your major. Find a role model or mentor to work with, take classes that are related but not directly tied to your major, or go on a trip/ complete an experience. Do wha...
Advanced Coursework: 12 credit hours with a grade of C or higher. Must be computer science courses numbered CS 500-590 or 598. One 4 credit hour CS 597 course or an approved non-computer science 500-level course may be approved. Application deadline: 1.15 Additional Requirements At least 24...
School:University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign (UIUC ) Documents Refine Results Filter by: Publisher Crowd Valuing Riskless and Risky Bonds Pages:17 Capital structure with taxes and CFD Pages:44 19 Mergers and Acquisitions Pages:49 18 PayoutPolicy ...
No student shall bribe or attempt to bribe, promise favors to or make threats against any person with the intent to affect a record of a grade or evaluation of academic performance. This includes conspiracy with another person who then takes the action on behalf of the student. (f) Academic...
GPA, or Grade Point Average, is a numerical representation of a student's academic performance. It is calculated by assigning points to each letter grade, and then averaging them across all courses. At UIUC, a 4.0 scale is used, where A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, and F=0. A GPA of 2....
Do not plagiarize; it will lead to a failing grade and can create life-long headaches. This includes “cheating” by handing in a paper written by someone else, and it includes using the words and/or ideas from a publication without providing appropriate citations. For help with citations,...
Gen Edu Course Information Grade Replacement Graduation Liberal Education Electives Online and Continuing Education Student Forms Transcripts UG Handbook Categories Academic/Course Information(19) Campus News(1) Career Fairs/Networking(3) CEE News/Events(4) ...
I work with students from the 8th grade and onward. It’s never too early to get involved in...
All applicants are expected to have a minimum grade point average of at least 3.25 (A=4.00) for the last two years of undergraduate study and a 3.50 for any previous graduate work completed. Scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) general test are no longer required of applicants but...