“No matter how you think your final exam went, walk out of that classroom with your head held high.”Networking events:和别的硕士项目的同学、和校友、和在UIUC培训的工作人士等等进行networking的活动。Professional coaching:同学们可以和Tim约一对一的专业指导,和Tim畅聊你想聊的话题,他会给你提供他的...
UIUC和UT这种段位的学校,Professor的水平肯定是不会差太多的。由此,Peer Quality是选择本科学校最重要的...
UIUC 的 CS 并不单独成院,隶属于 College of Engineering,下设 CS 相关的项目,如 MCS 和 MSCS。与 CS 关系比较密切的其他项目如同属于 College of Engineering 的 ECE,以及属于 School of Information Science (iSchool) 的 MSIM。 2018FALL,MCS 大约录取了 60 人,其中 60% 左右为中国人。据官方统计,MCS ...
Hi all I am reaching the final stage of deciding which school to go for PhD in mechanical engineering. Though UIUC is having a big name in mechanical engineering, I think I am going to UCSD for the seemingly more interesting research there... Would it sounds very ridiculous or what? What...
三门课的组成都很类似,由lecture、homework、machine problem、exam组成,每周2次lecture,有期中期末两次考试,三门课都很热门,选的人都很多。 Distributed System是ECE/CS的神课,难度真的很大,load真的很重,一学期4次homework、4次machine problem,老师十分有趣,喜欢套用电影情节来出题,4次machine problem一环扣一环...
ECON 401 Final 97個詞語 EC308 - Exam 1 68個詞語 本學習集中的詞語(232) Central planning is a key characteristic of which economic system? Command economy The mercantilists promoted the idea that a "public interest" existed separately from individual people. Which of the following ideas does thi...
Description Need to lookup an University of Illinois Urbana Champaign building code? Having trouble finding your final exam location? Don't worry, I made an awesome app for you. The current UIUC campus map is confusing and slow, so I set out to make a faster and more useful version of it...
这门课有两次考试,都非常难,尤其是hasegawa-section的final。所有的ppt上的所有内容都是要背,记的。而且你单纯靠刷往年题,practice exam或者,你把ppt很机械的背诵下来是毫无卵用的。因为你必须要基于understanding。里头最坑的是那种判断和阐述题。我有判断对了,但是阐述一分没有的情况。