以Computer Engineering为例,点击进去后在“Degree Requirements”一栏中能看到自己所在专业毕业前需要完成的学时要求、基础课程、选修课等。 2.什么时候可以选课? 在Time Tickets上,可以看到学校根据你的年级和状态规定的选课时间区间。在这期间,你可以操作自己本学期或是下学期的课表。一般freshmen的选课时间比较靠后,每...
“Applicants who already hold a master’s degree in computer science or computer engineering whose degree requirements are equivalent to a Illinois Computer Science master’s degree are not eligible to apply for our MS or Professional Master of Computer Science (MCS) degree”“Applicants who do not...
UIUC的格兰杰工程学院(The Grainger College of Engineering)的计算机科学专业(Computer Science,CS)可以...
“Besides General Education (GE) requirements, the school doesn’t have a fixed curriculum,” Eddy explained, underscoring his preference for flexibility and hands-on learning. “UIUC is a resource-rich university with a ...
Before joining UIUC, I got my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from University of Science and Technology of China(USTC). During my senior year, I spent one semester at Wuklab to work with Prof. Yiying Zhang on low-latency memory swapping system for memory resource disaggregation. Interes...
EngineeringNuclear Engineering vs Mechanical Engineering I have a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering and I am interested in CFD. I have an admit offer for MS in Nuclear Engineering at UIUC with RA and MS in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford without any assistantship. Which one is a better...
etc. in order to gauge ability and readiness in the core music curriculum. Applicants will also have the opportunity to ask the faculty questions about the degree program to which they are applying, the various courses of study at the School of Music and the university experience in general. ...
性质:公立型大学 Semester制 在校生人数:32,695 录取率:66% 国际生比例:15.4%(来自119个国家)...
目前观察到以下几点Degree requirements以外的区别:保研:只有工院CS可以申请BS-MCS / BS-MS的5年项目 ...