$239 million in 2017 research expenditures The most-cited engineering faculty in the world, accordin...
我是今年申请研究生的,给题主一个比较直观的数据,uiuc ece保送meng需要的gpa是3.5。虽然我一直吐槽...
EHHE的研究方向包括Hydrology, Hydraulics, Water Resources Systems和Groundwater. 有8名Faculty和2名affiliate professor从事以下领域的研究.:Systems for freshwater supplies for urban, industrial, and agricultural use;Flood control and water hazard mitigation;Stormwater drainage of cities, highways, airports, and...
19.Academics: As an engineering student academics are incredible, world renowned professors and excellent lab equipment. 学术:作为一个工程学的学生,学术太赞了,有世界知名的教授和非常棒的实验设施。 20.Academics: Computer engineering is difficult but has amazing faculty and students. 学术:计算机工程很...
20.Academics: Computer engineering is difficult but has amazing faculty and students. 学术:计算机工程很难,但是有非常了不起的教职员工和学生群体。 21.Academics: The faculty in the College of ACES are amazing. We are like a very close-knit family. 学术:农学、消费学和环境学院(College of Agricult...
and engineering sciences at the nexus of energy, environment, and sustainable development. Undergraduate and graduate degrees are offered in civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. Classes and student activities are conducted in English. St...
-- $1,500 per semester paid to an REU student; $500/student of discretionary funds to the faculty advisor -- Application deadline (must be submitted by the faculty advisor):6/15/16(by 5p), via e-mail tojlafave@illinois.edu I look forward to receiving your proposals (if you haven't...
UIUC计算机专业全美排名第五名,无论本科申请还是研究生申请都很受国内学生的青睐。其他机械, 土木, ...
二、UIUC工程学院的就业情况 在Top Feeder to Engineering的排行榜上,UIUC位列第七。而与前几所top ...