不过Boston的career fair不给力也和地理位置有一定的关系,这里相对于西部IT的机会是会少一些,不过在东部...
- 有效了解工作信息的途径(e.g.怎样跟你的学姐学长提问才能问到点子上?) - 准备申请:学校的Career center for your career development; 简历Cover letter投其所好 - Online test与Interview 扫描文末二维码报名,编辑发送“姓名 + 学校 + 年级 + 专业+ 联系电话+工业工程——工科” 未完待续 更多精彩内容敬请...
and 40 NSF CAREER Award winners. Our research embraces all major technical specializations in the profession, and is at the heart of the University of Illinois' rich network of interdisciplinary centers and institutes such as the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), the Beckman Ins...