只要字符串uartRX_data以 NULL 结尾,您就应该能够strcmp像这样使用: if(strcmp((constchar*)uartRX_data, RESP_OK) ==0) {// handle OK}elseif(strcmp((constchar*)uartRX_data, RESP_ERROR) ==0) {// handle ERROR}elseif(strcmp((constchar*)uartRX_data, RESP_FAIL) ==0) {// handle FAIL}...
<movable-area class="movable-box" style="height:{{phoneHeight}}px"> <movable-view out-of...
We had an issue related to this and I think that we wouldn't have it with plain JavaScript, because we would have been more careful with types! In the end, not always thinking about these types of mistakes is a major reason for switching to TS. ...
//join() 方法用于把数组中的所有元素放入一个字符串。 //元素是通过指定的分隔符进行分隔的。
Coding help: cannot convert "float" to "Uint8_t*" occurring PostbyGumbajoe»Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:06 pm I am functioning at a low level, so excuse the ignorance I am about to display. I built an arduino Uno R2 temperature datalogger using the Adafruit data logging shield, 6 ds18b20 ...
符合HAL_UART_RX_ABOUT_FULL 个人分析,是否正确? 向上 0 True 向下 标签 更多 相关 关于afStatus_t AF_DataRequest( afAddrType_t *dstAddr, endPointDesc_t *srcEP, uint16 cID, uint16 len, uint8 *buf, uint8 *transID, uint8 options, uint8 radius ) 如题,对函数 关于afStatus_t AF_DataReque...
(I wanted to reply there, but I don't know how) A sort question: Uarts 3,4,5 of K60 don't have buffers, so there is a risk to loose data. What is the difference between using the new RingBufferUint8 component together with Serial_LDD, and simply use the high...