ScalarGetSFFValue 矢量计算 单目指令 Exp Ln Abs Reciprocal Sqrt Rsqrt Not Relu 更多样例 双目指令 Add Sub Mul Div Max Min And Or 更多样例 标量双目指令 Adds Muls Maxs Mins ShiftLeft ShiftRight LeakyRelu 更多样例 标量三目指令 Axpy 更多样例 精度...
float max_value = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest(); for (uint32_t w = 0; w < pooling_w; ++w) {2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 source/layer/details/upsample.cpp Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ static void CalcIndexAndLam...
static EncodedJSValue UINT32_TO_JSVALUE(uint32_t val) { EncodedJSValue res; if(val <= MAX_INT32) { res.asInt64 = NumberTag | val; return res; } else { EncodedJSValue res; res.asDouble = val; res.asInt64 += DoubleEncodeOffset; return res; } } static EncodedJSValue FLOAT_TO_...
c #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> uint16_t convert_uint32_to_uint16(uint32_t value) { return (uint16_t)value; // 直接强制类型转换,只保留低16位 } int main() { uint32_t original_value = 0x12345678; uint16_t converted_value = convert_uint32_to_uint16(orig...
linux/types.h:154:36: error: conflicting types for ‘uintmax_t’ typedef u_int32_t uintmax_t; 最近在海思3521d的平台编译fw_printer以及fw_write工具,在跑到Hi3521DV100_SDK_V1.0.5.0/osdrv/opensource/uboot/u-boot-2010.06这个路径下,执行make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-hisiv500-linux- env...
This function assigns the given value to the Priority Mask Register. \param [in] priMask Priority Mask */ __STATIC_INLINE void __set_PRIMASK(uint32_t priMask) { register uint32_t __regPriMask __ASM("primask"); __regPriMask = (priMask); } 参见armcc.chm文件9.155 Named register variable...
这里,(object)UInt32Value将UInt32Value强制转换为object类型,然后(T)将其转换为泛型T。 转换完成后,可以使用泛型T: Numeric类型的变量value进行各种数值操作,例如加法、减法、乘法、除法等。 需要注意的是,由于泛型是在运行时确定的,因此在转换UInt32为泛型T之前,需要确保泛型参数T的类型支持所需的数值操作。
linux/types.h:154:36: error: conflicting types for ‘uintmax_t’ typedef u_int32_t uintmax_t;,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
context.num_speakers = std::max(1, SherpaOnnxOfflineTtsNumSpeakers(context.tts)); context.initialized = true; } void destroy_sherpa_tts_context(sherpa_tts_context &context)5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion 5 src/sherpa-tts/sherpa-tts.h Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line...