if (ttl > UINT16_MAX) {snprintf(l->err_buf, LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE, "%s(): Incorrect value of ttl", __func__); return (-1); }/* size of memory block */ n = h = LIBNET_LLDP_TLV_HDR_SIZE + /* TLV Header size */ sizeof(uint16_t); /* Size of 2 octets */...
c #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> uint16_t convert_uint32_to_uint16(uint32_t value) { return (uint16_t)value; // 直接强制类型转换,只保留低16位 } int main() { uint32_t original_value = 0x12345678; uint16_t converted_value = convert_uint32_to_uint16(orig...
- uint8_t>::value, - "Change uint8_t here to the SimpleValueType's type"); - static unsigned constexpr Capacity = std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max() + 1; + uint16_t>::value, + "Change uint16_t here to the SimpleValueType's type"); ...
解析:int func(int* pRes)函数的形参是指针类型 int *pRes,在函数体中 new了一块内存并赋值 12,...
UINT Read(unsigned int& i) { UINT x = MAXUINT32; i = x; return x; } int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv[]) { union { unsigned int foo; uint16_t boo; } u; u.foo = 35; printf("Value of foo before Read() is %u, Value of boo before Read() is %u\n", u.foo, u...
UINT Read(unsigned int& i) { UINT x = MAXUINT32; i = x; return x; } int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv[]) { union { unsigned int foo; uint16_t boo; } u; u.foo = 35; printf("Value of foo before Read() is %u, Value of boo before Read() is %u\n", u.foo, u...
UINT Read(unsigned int& i) { UINT x = MAXUINT32; i = x; return x; } int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv[]) { union { unsigned int foo; uint16_t boo; } u; u.foo = 35; printf("Value of foo before Read() is %u, Value of boo before Read() is %u\n", u.foo, ...
UINT x = MAXUINT32; i = x; return x; } int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv[]) { union { unsigned int foo; uint16_t boo; } u; u.foo = 35; printf("Value of foo before Read() is %u, Value of boo before Read() is %u\n", u.foo, u.boo); ...