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Dean of the UIC’s School of Culture and Creativity Prof Eugene Ch’ng was invited to deliver a speech. He highlighted the need for careful integration of AI into arts education, which should complement rather than replace creativity. He ...
国际人才学苑(School of International Education)英文简称:SIE,是UIC为开展多元化国际教育的设置创新型学苑。SIE围绕学校博雅教育办学理念,采用英文授课,坚持“国际化人才”培养目标和“中西融合”的育人体系,全面培养具有国际竞争力的创新型人才。 国际预科课程依据QS200境外名校本科录取标准而设置,采用教学成效评估办法,培...
no picnic for either job seekers or school applicants. Still, we prosper in the challenging times through our arduous efforts. Before saying a fond farewell to the campus that has witnessed our growth, allow me to invite you to reflect on the mean...
School of Culture and Creativity, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, School of General Education, in addition to the Graduate School. Altogether UIC offers 29 undergraduate programmes, and is approved to offer nine research and five taught postgraduate progra...
She said her decision to accept the offer was the right one. As the director of the foreign languages center of UIC, she manages 11 teaching staff in a cosmopolitan work environment. Nine of them are from Spain, France, and South Korea, ...
After all, in university, unlike high school, you take responsibility for your own education. Here, we believe in “active learning”, not passive exam-driven learning. You learn to ask bold, disruptive questions instead of giving memorized ...
Founded in 2005, the school is the nation’s first educational institution where Hong Kong and mainland universities cooperate. A fruit of cross-boundary educational collaboration, the university enjoys a degree of benefits in introducing overseas professionals, such as in accommodation and daily lives...