在单元测试中使用uiautomator进行ui测试,获取控件的的时候报错: W/UiAutomatorBridge: Could not detect idle state. java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: No idle state with idle timeout: 500 within global timeout: 10000 at android.app.UiAutomation.waitForIdle(UiAutomation.java:589) at android.support...
Could not detect idle state……大概跟waitForIdleTimeout有关。一顿乱调,貌似好使了。Configurator conf = Configurator.getInstance();conf.setActionAcknowledgmentTimeout(1000L); // Generally, this timeout should not be modified, default 3000conf.setScrollAcknowledgmentTimeout(100L); // Generally, this...
前段时间,我直接用 adb shell uiautomator dump 出来 xml,再解析获取页面元素信息时,开始也经常出现找不到元素的情况,后面排查问题的时候发现是 dump xml 时报错导致的(当时报错 ERROR: could not get idle state.) 建议你也排查下,确认是否是文件 dump 出来成功了,再开始解析,可以参考我的代码 def__uidump(se...
Make sure the active window is not constantly hogging the main UI thread (e.g. the application is being idle long enough), so the accessibility manager could do its work at io.appium.uiautomator2.utils.AXWindowHelpers.getActiveWindowRoot(AXWindowHelpers.java:79) at io.appium.uiautomator2....
感谢大家进来,有个奇葩点的问题,搜寻各方无果,发一贴来求助下大家。 环境如下: 系统版本: 安卓 4.3 定位工具: Uiautomatorviewer 在我们的 APP 中,只有这一个页面,元素无法加载出来,其它的都没有什么问题。 提示的错误: Error while obtaining UI hierarchy XML file: com.android.ddmlib.SyncException: Remote...
Could not start JSONRPC server: raise IOError("RPC server not started!") It may be caused by network, device, or environment. So when you meet the issue, please follow below steps and try to manually start the JSONRPC server. Follow steps at uiautomator-jsonrpc-server to start jsonrpc...
Queries the current state of the app. Arguments NameTypeRequiredDescriptionExample appId string yes The identifier of the application package to be checked my.app.id Returned Result The following numbers could returned: The app is not installed: 0 The app is installed and is not running: 1 ...
checkable Whether the element is checkable or not 'true' checked Whether the element is checked. Always false if the element is not checkable 'false' class or className The full name of the element's class. Could be null for some elements 'android.view.View' clickable Whether the element c...
如果为空,则不显示奖励这两个字的标签 wxml <view class="cu-item" wx:for="{{allSignList}}" ...
This could help to speed up the session startup if you know for sure the correct server version is installed on the device. In case the server is not installed or an incorrect version of it is installed then you may get an unexpected error later. false by default appium:uiautomator2...