在SAP UI5 中,使用 JavaScript 消费 OData 服务的 function import 是一个常见的操作,尤其是当你需要在应用程序中执行服务器端逻辑时。OData Service 是一种开放标准,用于构建和消耗基于 HTTP 的数据访问 API。SAP 的 OData 实现使得从 UI5 应用程序中访问 SAP 后端服务变得简单和直接。在本文中,我们将详细探讨...
The variable function module name value could be provided by an entry on user interface. In this case the input function module name can be used for different purposes by wrong users. The input values must be validated by comparing a whilelist of ABAP function modules. There is a good artic...
Sorry did not expand on the set-up for the logout page, we running the application as BSP so we define the logout page with the below ABAP <% CLASS cl_bsp_login_application DEFINITION LOAD. DATA: lv_url TYPE string, lv_params type string, lv_path type string. CONCATENATE '/sap/publ...
The Firefox console shows this error occurs in sap-ui-core.js line 80 However I could not find any hit by searching “indexOf” within this file. So I just again switch to Chrome and search serviceUrl.indexOf in Chrome instead, this time I get directly what I am looking for. From th...