UI设计:User interface design UX设计(用户体验设计):User experience design UI设计 User interface d...
行业工具:Sketch、 Mockplus、Axure、Fireworks、UXPin UI Design (User Interface Design) 用户界面设计 图片来源:julessdesign 海外用户体验咨询师Jesse James Garrett是这样定义界面设计的:界面设计就是如何选取合适的界面元素,例如文字、按钮、文本框、颜色等。做这些目的是就是让用户在界面上完成一项操作的时候, 觉得...
The debate over the differences between UI and UX design is nothing new. Some argue that all designersshould focus on both, while others argue that they should be two distinct roles performed by twodifferent designers. There are some out there who even argue that one discipline is significantly...
1. UI交互设计vs UI设计vs交互设计对比之概念 UI设计 UI设计或称界面设计(英文UserInterface Design, 缩写为UID),它是指对软件的人机交互、操作逻辑、界面美观的整体设计。UI设计主要分为实体UI和虚拟UI两种,互联网行业常见的UI设计是虚拟UI,UI即User Interface(用户界面)的简称。交互设计 交互设计(英文...
UI/UX交互设计在当今手机电脑使用率异常频繁的时代,也成为了一个炙手可热的方向。UI(User Interface)/UX(User Experience),它们两者略有区分,UI以使用界面出发,而UX则是以用户体验为核心,但可以统称为用户界面体验设计。有些院校会有单独结合两种设计的Interaction Design专业,有些学校则直接将其归在了平面设计下。
UX Design refers to the termUser Experience Design, while UI Design stands forUser Interface Design. Both elements are crucial to a product and work closely together. But despite their professional relationship, the roles themselves are quite different, referring to very different parts of the proce...
I’m Sahar, a designer based in SF with an MFA in Visual Development, 14 years of experience in visual design, and 6 years in UI/UX. I worked in all aspects of the design process, from initial research to final implementation. ...