大佬们 下方有个能看..刚入坑 前几天在贴吧看到有人的界面是这样 也有大佬在下面回复了是什么mod 但是忘记了
System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue =false;stringfilename = @ModLoader.ModPath + @Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + @Path.GetFileName(mod) +@".tmod";stringurl ="http://javid.ddns.net/tModLoader/publishmod.php";using(varstream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open)) {varfiles =new[...
For a lack of a better idea, we'll call this state/canvas that the button will go on a menu bar even though it will only hold one button for now. using Terraria.UI; namespace YourMod.UI { class MenuBar : UIState { public PlayButton playButton; public override void OnInitialize() ...
uIElement.Append(uITextPanel); modHomepageButton =newUITextPanel("Visit the Mod's Homepage for even more info",1f,false); modHomepageButton.Width.Set(-10f,1f); modHomepageButton.Height.Set(25f,0f); modHomepageButton.VAlign =1f; modHomepageButton.Top.Set(-65f,0f); modHomepageButton.OnMou...
Terraria Acest captivant joc 2D sandbox este plin de intrigi subterane. Vei fi transportat într-o lume plină de pixeli generați procedural, cu bătălii provocatoare și NPC-uri excentrice, pentru a-ți spori rândurile echipei. ...
Terraria Teamspeak Mumble Team Fortress 2 Counter Strike: Global Offensive Garry's Mod ARK: Survival Evolved In addition to our standard nest of supported games, our community is constantly pushing the limits of this software and there are plenty more games available provided by the community. Some...
薛定谔的Terraria玩家,鼠标与键盘粉碎者 充电 关注787 七叶379 1/40 UP主的全部视频 “皎月圆舞”【泰拉瑞亚/女皇之怒】光之女皇(夜晚)无UI全BGM无伤演示 1097播放 “炼狱的第四台星流巨械,遭到废弃的宏伟之铸”【泰拉瑞亚/灾厄】炼狱的废案巨械,XM-04雅典娜双子线无伤演示 1.0万播放 “巨龙时代的落幕”...
2、我们要安装一个提取的最新版(v7.0.2)的主题商店, +6 510870 幕府将军2全面战争吧 赤城🌊 4K分辨率有什么MOD可以改UI大小?字太小看不清了RT 分享131 黑群晖吧 tx三战 黑群晖怎么装回win10啊,搞半天也不会,怎么前面都有uife的字母,和以前的不一样,进不去啊,u盘进入装win10也不能撞到c盘,只能装到...
Say goodbye to your old mouse and grab this HP wireless model for just $10 Input Devices An absolute steal at this price By Timi Cantisano 13 hours ago Extend the life of your laptop with these 4 DIY upgrades RAM Upgrading your laptop doesn't need to be hard and can be a gre...
A Terraria mod adding loads of small features to improve the inventory - BetterInventory/Crafting/FixedUI.cs at dev · Spiky-73/BetterInventory