源码地址:https://github.com/Kinnara/ModernWpf 克隆地址:https://gitee.com/DLGCY_Clone/ModernWpf 文档地址:https://github.com/Kinnara/ModernWpf#quick-start 效果演示:https://github.com/Kinnara/ModernWpf#screenshots (未编译成功,效果见上面链接) 24、Fluent.Ribbon 功能简介:像 Office 一样的 W...
SpreadProcessing for WPF is a document processing library that enables you to work with spreadsheet documents using C# and VB.NET. Create new ones from scratch, modify existing documents or convert between the most common spreadsheet formats. You can save the generated workbook to a local file, ...
源码地址: https://github.com/PanuonGroup/Panuon.WPF.UI 克隆地址: https://gitee.com/DLGCY_Clone/Panuon.WPF.UI 文档地址: https://github.com/PanuonGroup/Panuon.WPF.UI/wiki/Home-zh-CN 效果演示: https://github.com/PanuonGroup/Panuon.WP...
FruitVentDesign 是基于.net core 3.1 的 WPF UI 控件库。21、DMSkin DMSkin 是一个专为 WPF 设计的样式 UI 框架,包含边框无窗口、自定义控件与样式支持。22、WPF.UI(ZdfFlatUI)WPF.UI(ZdfFlatUI)是另一个提供 WPF UI 库的项目。23、ModernWPF ModernWPF 提供现代风格的 WPF 样式与控件。
功能简介:WPF 的控件库 包装常用功能及 UI 控件。 开源情况:开源免费。 源码地址:https://gitee.com/chenhome/WPFTOOLS 克隆地址:https://gitee.com/DLGCY_Clone/WPFTOOLS 文档地址:https://www.yuque.com/chch/wpftools 外部关系:参考了 MahApps.Metro 和Modern UI for WPF(MUI) ...
WPF TreeListView control combines the data-driven features from the GridView with hierarchical data capabilities. Part of the Telerik UI for WPF library along with 160+ professionally-designed UI controls. Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, Visual Studio Extensions and more!
克隆地址:https://gitee.com/DLGCY_Clone/WPFTOOLS 文档地址:https://www.yuque.com/chch/wpftools 外部关系:参考了 MahApps.Metro 和 Modern UI for WPF (MUI) 效果演示: 09、Modern UI for WPF (MUI) 功能简介:Modern UI for WPF。 开源情况:开源免费。
Create high-performance, Microsoft® Office-inspired apps for desktop and touch devices with Ultimate UI for WPF. A complete library of 100+ WPF controls, including lightning-fast grids and charts, and dynamic data visualizations. All .NET 8 compatible. ...
Do not directly upgrade from Panuon.UI.Silver 1.x version to Panuon.UI.Silver 2.2 or Panuon.WPF.UI 1.x version. There are significant differences in how these versions are used. Upgrade Since Panuon.UI.Silver 2.2.20, this library has been renamed Panuon.WPF.UI. For the specific upgrade...
This UI for WPF library is a commercial UI library. You are welcome to explore its full functionality and get technical support from the team when you register for a free 30-day trial. To use it commercially, you need to purchase a license. Feel free to review the Telerik UI for WPF ...