Exceptions to this rule are: Ssj4 Gogeta, Cell, DBS Broly and Beerus, because their DPs also hit behind them; Videl, Jiren, Cooler and UI Goku himself, because of their frame 1 counters. This tech will also not work if you 236L after 5H or 6S since those moves space out too much...
接下来播放 自动连播 DBFZ PuffCakes vs Nier_Kazuto (GokuSSB, Broly, Piccolo) Vs (Gohan, Goku, GokuSSJ InitCool 147 0 DBFZ kuzumotsu vs DB_X (Gotenks, TGohan, Vegito) Vs (VegetaSSB, Vegito, GokuUI) InitCool 169 0 DBFZ Egoista vs Nier_Kazuto (GokuUI, GogetaSSB, GokuSSB) Vs ...