Qt for Python - Empty,创建一个只包含QApplication主代码的Python应用程序的Qt。 Qt for Python - Window,创建一个包含空窗口的Qt用于Python应用程序。 Qt Quick Application - Empty,创建一个Qt Quick 2应用程序项目,它可以包含QML和C++代码。你可以构建应用程序并将其部署到桌面、嵌入式和移动目标平台。 Qt Qui...
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a UI framework for building Windows desktop applications. WPF supports a broad set of application development features, including an application model, resources, controls, graphics, layout, data binding and documents. WPF uses the Extensible Application Markup La...
Windows Forms (WinForms) is a UI framework for building Windows desktop applications. It is a .NET wrapper over Windows user interface libraries, such as User32 and GDI+. It also offers controls and other functionality that is unique to Windows Forms. ...
protectedoverridevoidOnShareTargetActivated(ShareTargetActivatedEventArgs args){ shareWithDesktopApplication(args.ShareOperation); }privateasyncvoidshareWithDesktopApplication(ShareOperation shareOperation){if(shareOperation.Data.Contains(StandardDataFormats.StorageItems)) {varitems =awaitshareOperation.Data.GetStorage...
创建应用程序窗口的 UI 元素时,其选择器始终具有名为 :desktop 的根元素。如果您创建一个 UI 元素来定位应用程序窗口内的某个组件,将会自动创建两个 UI 元素。 父 UI 元素定位应用程序窗口,而子元素显示窗口内特定组件的层次结构。虽然在添加 UI 元素时会自动创建选择器,但某些特定场景需要手动创建的选择器。
protectedoverridevoidOnShareTargetActivated(ShareTargetActivatedEventArgs args){ shareWithDesktopApplication(args.ShareOperation); }privateasyncvoidshareWithDesktopApplication(ShareOperation shareOperation){if(shareOperation.Data.Contains(StandardDataFormats.StorageItems)) {varitems =awaitshareOperation.Data.GetStorage...
templates- new application templates (seedesktop-template/build_and_run_from_cli_example.shfor using without Gradle) tutorials- tutorials on using Compose for Desktop Getting started Image and icon manipulations Mouse events and hover Scrolling and scrollbars ...
Everything You Need To Create Beautiful Applications for Web, Mobile and Desktop Infragistics Ultimate UI/UX toolkit offers a comprehensive library of enterprise-grade UI controls and includes our low-code WYSIWYG App Builder™ allowing you to build business apps faster than ever before. ...
The only complete UI/UX toolkit for building high performance, modern web, desktop and mobile applications $1,995 per developer, royalty-free subscription MULTI-YEAR DISCOUNT 1 year$2,355 / yr 2 year$2,115 / yr 10% discount 3 year$1,995 / yr 15% discount Include Priority Support +$...
DesktopApplicationUIBase separates the details of hosting applications and their UI's from the layout of the agent desktop form. It keeps a collection of IPanels and exposes itself as a collection of IHostedApplication objects.