As businesses start to rely more heavily on design teams, what direction will the UI design industry head in next? And what new trends will disrupt the space? Here are 8 UI trends to look for in 2024 and beyond. 1. Lottie simplifies animation design “Lottie animation” searches have risen...
AI in design, animated icons, cross platform UX are some of the most exciting 2024 UX and UI design trends. Our research has also noticed an interesting UX UI trend toward larger screens, with Instagram improving its desktop experience to accommodate the growing demand....
As we reach the end of our exploration into the UI design trends of 2024, one thing becomes abundantly clear: adapting to these changes is not just a matter of keeping up with the times, it’s a strategic imperative for staying ahead in a highly competitive digital landscape. Each of thes...
As digital ecosystems expand and become more ubiquitous, design and UI/UX processes have also evolved to fit the new demands of the technology and its users. In this article, we look at some of the user interface design trends that are set to dominate 2024 and define the UI/UX best pract...
Using theseUI design trends, you create user interfaces and experiences that closely mimic real-world objects and environments in a highly detailed and lifelike manner. The sphere of application includes branding, applications, mock-ups, etc. The goal here is to create immersive and engaging user...
UI/UX Design Trends For 2024 在AI 与 XR 的加持下,本来就疯狂内卷的移动互联网时代将在新的一年迎来更深刻的变化。著名的海外设计公司 Shakuro 本月出品了一篇针对 2024 年的 UI/UX 设计趋势预测,读罢觉得有很多有意思的观察,故而翻译此文,以便与各位探讨。 ...
总得来说,设计趋势会随着工业化进程的推进,而演进为更前沿的风格,也会有更多工具帮助设计师开放脑洞,快速得到心中所想。但无论社会如何进步,以用户体验为中心的话题永远不会终结。 参考材料
UI design can be an intricate and complex process. More so than functionality and user experience, humans are all about first impressions, which is why design is monumental. These are some of the trends we’ve seen for modern UIs for mobile devices that will continue to carry their weight ...
2、空间设计趋势(Spatial Design Trends) 2023年6月5日,全球科技和设计爱好者们醒来之后,发现整个信息流都被苹果最新的 Vision Pro 刷屏了。 图片来源 — 苹果Vision Pro 引爆了 2023 年夏季的科技圈,空间设计成为炙手可热的话题,每位设计师都在争相学习空间设计技能。这股热潮也波及了沉寂许久的 AR...
二、空间设计趋势(Spatial Design Trends) 2023年6月5日,全球科技和设计爱好者们醒来之后,发现整个信息流都被苹果最新的 Vision Pro 刷屏了。 图片来源 — 苹果Vision Pro 引爆了 2023 年夏季的科技圈,空间设计成为炙手可热的话题,每位设计师都在争相学习空间设计技能。这股热潮也波及了沉寂许久的 AR...