Information systemUIPrinciple of designBasic principles of information system UI design are user participation, user control, interface design, information feedback, rapid system response, help system, fault tolerance and security, and interface modification. Quality of user-system interaction interface is...
聊聊四个基础的UI设计原则 UI设计师想要减少改稿次数,拒绝产品经理“加一道光”的需求,首先要学会不靠感觉做设计。今天这篇文章从设计原则的重要性谈起,总结了四个UI的基本设计原则,让你每一个元素界面都有理有据,适合刚入门的设计师,一起来学习。 图形设计大师Paul Rand(保罗·兰德)曾经说过: “设计绝不是简单...
[18] [19] [20] [21]https://syn...
[18] [19] [20] [21]https://syn...
Norman, D. A. (2013). The Design of Everyday Things. Basic Books.Lidwell, W., Holden, K., & Butler, J. (2010). Universal Principles of Design. Rockport Publishers.Hassenzahl, M. (2010). Experience Design: Technology for All the Right Reasons. Morgan and Claypool Publishers.今日分享这...
Motion Ui Design Principles好像暂时不能访问)
UI content design principles 1. Speakusers’ language. Description:Interfaces should use the users' language, with words, phrases, and concepts familiar to the user and follow the real-world convention. Why:System-oriented terms which users don't understand make...
UI designers work with other UX designers to design, prototype, and test user interfaces, layouts, and components. In some instances, the UI developer might collaborate with the design team to build basic code prototypes to test complex UI components. ...
As a UI designer, you likely already know, understand, and are passionate about the core principles, tools, and purpose of fantastic user interfaces. You may even be a propionate of theMobile Firstdesign approach. More and more, though, the app is the end solution, with no need for a re...
在UI 界面当中,最重要的交互可以使用夸张的动效来强化,引起用户的注意。Material Design 当中的 FAB 动效就是一个最典型的夸张式的动效,它最终的静态效果是很吸引人的,因为它将一个按钮的色彩扩展到整个界面,并且在所有元素的最上层,强调到了极致。 使用FAB 动效来进行夸张 ...