可以说唯一主色调设计手法,是真的做到了移动端APP的最小化(Minimal)设计,减少冗余信息的干扰,使用户专注于主要信息的获取。 二、多彩色 | Hypercolour 而与唯一主色调形成对照关系的,就是Metro引领的多彩色风格,为什么我一定要给我自己的产品定义一种主色调,多彩色就不能是主色调吗?于是出现了不同页面、不同信息...
Ant Design 的功能色板如图: Ant Design 的中性色主要被大量的应用在界面的文字部分,此外背景、边框、分割线、等场景中也非常常见。产品中性色的定义需要考虑深色背景以及浅色背景的差异,同时结合 WCAG 2.0 标准。 Ant Design 的中性色在落地的时候是按照透明度的方式实现的,具体色板如图: 企业级产品设计中的色彩应用...
一、唯一主色调 | Simple color schemes 为什么我们要定义一个界面多种颜色?仅仅用一个主色调,是不是就能够很好的表达界面层次、重要信息,并且能展现良好的视觉效果?事实上也正是如此,随着iOS7的发布,我们看到越来越多唯一主色调风格的设计,会采用简单的色阶,配套灰阶来展现信息层次,但是绝不采用更多的颜色。 卡塔尔...
而Peek Calendar、EveryWeather和Harmony这三个APP,是列表多彩色的设计案例,这种列表多彩色,不知道是不是从Clear开始再度流行起立的,用鲜亮的多彩色来区分信息,确实能起到突出的效果,视觉上极其醒目。 可是对于一些内容型的APP,也许并不适用,比如GoogleKeep的多彩卡片,确实是在内容阅读上会起到反效果。百度云记事本第...
client meetings to capture requirements and create requirement documents and screen designs in Adobe XD and Figma. Involved in visual design, layouts, graphics development, typography colour schemes & HTML development for responsive screen designs. Created responsive HTML screens using angular material ...
User Interface Design Pattern Library. UI patterns for web designers. See screenshot examples and learn how to do great design like the pros.
For example,Adobe Senseican intelligently applyfonts, rearrange layouts, and recolour elements. It's like having a design guru whispering tips in your ear. AI-Generated Content AI is also incredibly adept atgenerating visuals and other creative assetsfrom scratch. Feed an AI model some text promp...
management for RGB documents as much as possible. Doing so forces RGB colours on screen and saved to file to match the actual colour value. If you need your monitor to be calibrated a specific way, then you’ll be best served by changing it at an OS level for web and app design work...
UI/UX Design Learning Guide Roadmap to becoming a UI/UX Designer This repository contains a curated list of resources to help you learn about User Interface and User Experience design. The learning guide is divided into three levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Expert, and includes a wide ran...
colour accents in applications. There is still a lot of white in the UI of the system apps, something we saw introduced in Huawei’s larger UI overhaul in EmotionUI 3.0. It may have been interesting to see a switch to the more modern navigation and button schemes that were introduced ...