在Portal端显示的Form页面会显示相应的UI Action。 但是往往事情都有例外,当UI Action设置中勾选了’Client’,那么在data.f对象中就找不到该UI Action。 换而言之,如果UI Action勾选了’Client’,就无法再Portal端展现。 /* OK,那解决这个问题的方法还是有的。 既然在这个情况下***data.f._uiactions***对象...
UI Action 校验字段数据的方法(Client & Server Code in On,UIAction校验字段数据的方法(Client&ServerCodeinOneUIAction)gsftsubmit()的应用:https://community.servicenow.com/thread/170199https://www.servicenowguru.com/system-ui/ui-actions-system
The optional process Id of the process which owns the window (for example, as provided by the output of the 'Run Process' action in the IA-Connect Environment / Session actions). Set to 0 to not search by process Id. Match index MatchIndex integer If multiple elements match the search...
ABAP in Eclipse 3 ABAP Interface 1 ABAP New Syntax 1 ABAP ODATA 2 ABAP on HANA 1 ABAP OOABAP 1 ABAP PLATFORM 1 ABAP Platform Trial 2 ABAP Programming 8 ABAP Push Channels 1 ABAP Query 1 ABAP RAP 3 ABAP RAP custom action 3 ABAP RAP(RESTful Applicatio...
The optional process Id of the process which owns the window (for example, as provided by the output of the 'Run Process' action in the IA-Connect Environment / Session actions). Set to 0 to not search by process Id. Match index MatchIndex integer If multiple elements match the search...
在SN中创建UI Action的时候会涉及到Action Name的填写,此Action Name并非显示名称,而是为了其他调用的而使用的名称,这个名称不会自动校验。一般不会提示出错。但碰到问题检查起来会非常苦恼。所以它的名称应尽量具有可读性和唯一性,当然重点在后者。 案例:
UI Action 未填写comments终止reject操作,current.state='rejected';if(!JSUtil.nil(current.comments))current.update();else{gs.addErrorMessage(gs.getMessage("Commentsarerequiredwhenrejectinganapproval"));current.state='requested';current.setAbo
The optional process Id of the process which owns the window (for example, as provided by the output of the 'Run Process' action in the IA-Connect Environment / Session actions). Set to 0 to not search by process Id. Match index MatchIndex integer If multiple elements match the search...
If IA-Connect launched the process then the PID is provided by the 'Run Process' action in the IA-Connect Environment / Session actions. If you don't know the PID then leave this field blank (or 0). Search UIA subtree SearchSubTree boolean If set to true then the whole UIA tree ...
UI action 新开record 页面,(function(){//buildsysparm_queryvarqueryParam='u_case_main='+current.sys_id;//casequeryParam=queryParam.replace(/&/g,'%26');//escapeall&soitwillnotcauseanyissueinparsingvarnewEmailUrl='./u_dir