Compact SD card reader The small size of the SanDisk Extreme PRO SD UHS-II Card Reader makes it perfect for fieldwork and on-location shoots. Full Specifications Interface USB 3.0 Connector USB-A Compatibility Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac OS 10.3x+ ...
Shop deals on Kingston UHS-II SD Card Reader USB 3.2 Memory Card Reader MLP at Discover our range of Phone Cases, Covers & Skins and buy more Kingston online with Australia wide shipping.
这款金士顿读卡器隶属于MobileLite Plus系列的SD Card Reader(SD读卡器),包装盒上标明了USB 3.2和UHS-Ⅱ两个卖点 从我表哥单反相机取下来金士顿的SD存储卡,存储卡的规格是:Classic 10 SDHC U1 这款金士顿的读卡器外观是使用了磨砂质感的哑光塑料外壳 看得出来读卡器的做工还是比较仔细的 ...
SanDisk Extreme PRO SD UHS-II 讀卡機能夠快速傳輸內容,從而加快後期製作工作流程。 相容性 與UHS-II 和 USB 3.0 相容,與 UHS-I 及非 UHS SD 記憶卡以及 USB 2.0 向下相容。 輕巧型 SD 讀卡機 SanDisk Extreme PRO SD UHS-II 讀卡機外形小巧,非常適合野外現場作業及外景拍攝使用。
uhs-ii-usb-3-0-sd-card-reader-writer-featuredassets-bg-img-0{ background-image: url(/content/dam/store/en-us/assets/products/readers/extreme-pro-uhs-ii-usb-3-0-sd-card-reader-writer/featured/extreme-pro-uhs-ii-usb-3-0-sd-card-reader-writer-hands-card.jpg.wdthumb.1280.1280.we...
这款产品Extreme系列存储卡之一,它的最大特点是支持最新的UHS-II技术传输标准,支持64GB、32GB以及16GB三种容量版本。同时,闪迪还将发布Extreme Pro SD UHS-II Card Reader/Writer读卡器,支持USB 3.0技术传输协议。 富士X-T1数码相机 不过就目前的设备而言,支持UHS-II技术传输协议的产品并不是很多,富士最新的X-T1三防...
The MRW-S1 memory card reader is the perfect solution to drastically improve workflow efficiency after shooting by quickly transferring large data from UHS-II SD cards, like SF-G Series, to a PC.
[i]视频速度等级60 (V60)(持续视频拍摄速度为60MB/秒)是一种性能选项,支持使用UHS主机设备进行实时视频录制。请参阅了解其他详细信息。[ii]全高清 (1920×1080)、4K超高清 (3840x2160)、6K (6144x3160) 视频支持可能因主机设备、文件属性和其他因素而异。请参阅:www.sandisk...
Review of the DriverGenius USB 3.1(G1) / 3.0 UHS-II SD Card Read with speed benchmarks and read and write tests
The SanDisk Extreme Pro SD UHS-II SD Reader/Writer is a single-slot compact USB 3.0 SD card reader. It supports full-size SD and can operate in UHS-I and UHS-II modes. The SanDisk reader is compatible with Max OS 10.3x+, Windows 7/8/10. It supports USB 3.0 and is backwards compa...