第三届超高性能混凝土互动国际研讨会 (Third International Interactive Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete,简称UHPC2023) 由美国爱荷华州立大学 (Iowa State University)、美国联邦公路管理署 (FHWA) 和密歇根理工大学 (Michigan Technological University) 联合主办,于2023年6月4~7 日在美国特拉华州威尔明顿市...
[2]François Toutlemonde. UHPC Bridge Deck Overlays: Feedback of Two Realizations on French Motorways[C]. Third International Interactive Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete 2023 文章来源:鼎兴土木
However, as normal concrete generally has low strength, the thickness of concrete slabs is large. Consequently, the self-weight of the bridge deck is heavy, which increases the dead load of the bridge. In addition, the concrete decks are vulnerable to cracking in negative bending moment zones....
超高性能混凝土(Ultra-HighPerformance Concrete),简称UHPC,国际上系指抗压强度在150MPa以上,同时具有超高韧性、超长耐久性的水泥基复合材料的统称。其中,最具代表性的超高性能混凝土材料为活性粉末混凝土RPC(Reactive Powder Concrete),最早由法国学者于1993年研发成功,主要由水泥、硅灰、细骨料、减水剂及钢纤维等材料组成,...
[7] Zachary B. Haber, Jose F. Munoz, and Benjamin A. Graybeal. Field Testing of an Ultra-High Performance Concrete Overlay. FHWA-HRT-17-096. 2017. [8] Mostafa Tazarv, Lucas Bohn and Nadim Wehbe. Rehabilitation of Longitudinal Joints in Double-Tee Girder Bridges. Journal of Bridge Enginee...
Concrete and wood are arranged and combined in various ways, reflecting the external materials of the building. The detailed treatment of typical dry walls makes them clearly visible on the main structure. 阿布扎比卢浮宫 / Louvre Abu Dhabi
AASHTO ( 美国国家公路和运输官员协会 ) 2022 年发布标准:AASHTO T397 Standard Method of Test for Uniaxial Tensile Response of Ultra-High Performance Concrete《UHPC 单轴拉伸响应标准试验方法》 AASHTO 2023 发布指南:AASHTO Guide to Preservation of Highway Bridge Decks《AASHTO 公路桥面 板保护指南》包含了...
2004年,日本土木工程学会于发布了日文版《超高强纤维增强混凝土结构设计与施工指南(草案)》,并于2006年翻译成英文Recommendations for Design and Construction of Ultra High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete Structures (Draft)。 2005年:新结构—开发出UHPC箱形、工字梁/研究计划—UHPC可持续建筑 (2005~2011) ...
Ultra-high performance concrete, or UHPC, is a new class of superior-performing concrete paving material. It is also known as reactive powder concrete, or RPC for short. This version of concrete is strong and ductile, delivering compressive strengths up to 29,000 pounds psi (per square inch...
[6] ZHU Y, ZHANG Y, HUSSEIN H H et al. Flexural strengthening of large-scale damaged reinforced concrete bridge slab using UHPC layer with different interface techniques[J].Structure and Infrastructure Engineering,2021:1-14.