Fig.10shows the experimental decaying rate results of all the tested samples. It is noted that the vibration decaying rate in this study has a similar physical meaning as the damping ratio reported in previous studies. UHPRuC_0 exhibited the lowest decaying rate at 12.5. It should be noted t...
Furthermore, F9 Series check valves also contain two different kinds of seal materials, meaning they work smoothly alongside all semiconductor gases. This alone eliminates the need for several different kinds of high purity check valves, making the F9 Series highly cost-effective. Find out more abo...
Coordinate values of a* and b* were transformed in psychometric coordinates C* and h* to have a more intuitive meaning of color assessment. Those values in Table 3 indicate that BP and PA had a more marked hue of yellow and exhibited more pure color than UHPH-treated beverages. Comparing...
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