UHK-X750: 4K/HD Studio Camera System The UHK-X750 is the flagship 4K/HD camera head for live and studio production with box lenses. Sharing the CMOS sensor with the global shutter and the digital signal processing technology with the UHK-X700, the UHK-X750 brings a naturalness to the un...
采购详情 询价单编号:ZGC6635***700 询价单有效期:至2025***入驻工厂可见 订单备注:***入驻工厂可见 相似工厂 摩托车安全用品类精选货源 车载电器实力榜 第3名 义乌市众横汽车用品有限公司 汽车清洁工具 1000m² 金华 金牌制造 83%响应率 100%履约率...
Automatic High Speed Plastic Cup Making Machine (HY-750) Product Description The plastic cup thermoforming machine is a new type equipment, which has been developed and produced with many years of machine producing experiences of our company, it uses the stable hydraulic system ...
Size: 730/750/900mm(width), any length Material: PVC/PP Usage: For industrial cooling tower Temperature suitable 60ºC ~ -35ºC Color carbon black, grey, etc Shaping mode Plastic extrusion mould Brand Name: Sinta Place of rigin: Hebei, China Minimum Order: 500pcs...
#今晚0点开抢# 欧扎克 水果坚果麦片750g ¥29.9 可以屯点在家~早餐不知道吃啥的时候可以来点麦片拌牛奶呀[哈哈] 里面的水果干还有坚果量挺多的,都有好多姐妹直接当零食干吃的[偷笑]拌酸奶或者是牛奶泡...
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#两公布一提示# 2023太原马拉松赛交通管制通告“2023太原马拉松赛”将于5月21日在我市举行,为确保比赛期间道路交通的安全畅通,根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》相关规定,决定5月18日至5月21日对赛道及周边...