The USRP E320 requires UHD version or later. It is recommended to use the UHD-3.14 maintenance branch at the time of this writing. NOTE: Before operating the device, it is strongly recommended to update to the latest version of the Embedded Linux file system on the SD...
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%分割线%%%%%%%%%%%% 安装了最新的uhd库(下载源码编译安装),在编译uhd库时,会在\master\host\utils目下下面生成一个uhd_find_device的可执行文件,运行该程序可以查找连接的usrp设备。 我运行该程序可以找到USRP... 查看原文 Gnuradio+uhd驱动软件安装流程 ...
USRP device: USRP-2953R FPGA image: x310_HG uhd version: download from '' OS: macOS 11.1 Expected Behavior uhd_usrp_probeproduces correct result without error. Actual Behaviour ...
首先,下载NI Linux Device Drivers,并直接解压,在哪个目录无所谓只要能找到就行,我这里是在主文件夹,如左图。 网站: 接着,打开文件夹NILinux2023Q1DeviceDrivers,即可看到右图所示,粉色的都是.deb文件,这些文件...
SYNOPSIS uhd_find_devices[OPTIONS] OPTIONS Device Address Arguments: --argsargThis help information: --help IDENTIFYINGDEVICES Devices are addressed through key/value string pairs. These string pairs can be used to narrow down the search for a specific device or group of devices. Most UHD utility...
uhd_usrp_probe /usr/bin/usrp2_card_burner /usr/bin/usrpctl /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-uhd-usrp2.conf /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-uhd-host.rules /usr/libexec/uhd/examples/benchmark_rate /usr/libexec/uhd/examples/gpio /usr/libexec/uhd/examples/latency_test /usr/libexec/uhd/examples/network_...
The FPGA code for N210 hasn't changed in quite some time. So you mayhave ended up with a unit that was sittingin stock for quite some time. I'd go ahead and just program a newimage into the device. ___ USRP-users mailing list -- To unsubscribe...
constrained_device_args_test /usr/libexec/uhd/tests/convert_test /usr/libexec/uhd/tests/custom_reg_test /usr/libexec/uhd/tests/ddc_block_test /usr/libexec/uhd/tests/ /usr/libexec/uhd/tests/devtest/ /usr/libexec/uhd/tests/devtest/bitbang_test....
Next, SSH into the E31x and run `uhd_usrp_probe`, using this FPGA new custom FPGA image. The custom FPGA image path should be passed as a device argument to the UHD application. $ ssh root@ # source ./localinstall/setup.env # uhd_usrp_probe --args"fpga=/h...
uhd_usrp_probe Example output fromuhd_usrp_probe: $ uhd_usrp_probe linux; GNU C++ version 4.8.4; Boost_105400; UHD_003.010.000.HEAD-0-g6e1ac3fc -- Opening a USRP2/N-Series device... -- Current recv frame size: 1472 bytes -- Current send frame size: 1472 bytes ___ / | Device:...