DOLBY VISION HDR10+ 4K DOLBY VISION Bring your programs to life with stunning brightness, deep blacks and intense colors. Dolby Vision™ is a 12-bit HDR solution that creates a unique cinema experience. HDR10+ HDR10 signals have up to 100 times the brightness of standard signal (SDR), dram...
With the Samsung Ultra HD Blu-ray Player there are no limitations -play back CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray and even 4K UHD Blu-ray discs provided by the Blu-ray Player with our greatest coverage of formats available. *Upscaled image quality can vary depending on the source resolution. ...
2 备注:输出4K Ultra HD蓝光电影至外接屏幕,主板之内嵌端口需支持HDCP2.2。若是使用笔电观看,请参考你的笔电规格说明,确认外接屏幕端口(HDMI/DisplayPort)是否支持HDCP2.2输出。HDR 10:若要观赏HDR10的视频,主板需支持HDR10讯号输出。内存Ultra HD Blu-ray播放/VR 模式: 4 GB (建议6GB为佳).Ultra HD Blu...
UHD Blu-ray 影碟的画质更佳,且支持 HDR 和 10bit 色深,比特率也更高,为观看提供更清晰、更丰富的视觉体验。入门型号的 UHD Blu-ray 机价格约为港币 $3,000,例如 Xbox One S,不仅价格实惠,功能齐全,包括支持 Netflix、Dolby Atmos 音效输出、Media Player 功能等。它虽然在兼容性和功能初...
荣获EISA UHD BLU-RAY PLAYER 2018-2019奖项UBP-X700 带您进入震撼的 4K HDR 世界。 作为高质量视频内容来源,X700可以成为你的新选择。EISA:European Imaging and Sound Association 尽享4K HDR精彩电影Ultra HD Blu-ray ?/DVD播放器为您带来更加立体的环绕声效,丰富的4K画面细节,以及高动态范围图像。坐在客 ...
4K UHD Blu-Ray Player UBD-M7500 with HDR Technology. Solutions & Tips, Download Manual, Contact Us. Samsung Support UK
Philips BDP7501 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray Player with Wi-Fi ¥229.99美 去购买 然后就是UHD碟了,比如上面测试用的《神战-权利之眼》,目前UHD碟国内代购一般是200-300之间,新出的最贵,然后一般欧版最便宜,美版居中,港台版稍贵,日版最贵。UHD蓝光无区码限制,无论哪里买的都能在任意一台UHD碟机上播放,所以找...
4K UHD 蓝光播放机(4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc Player):OPPO UDP-203~~ 口碑之作,清晰新高度 OPPO影音长期致力于探索行业领先科技,为用户带来震撼的影音体验。4K UHD蓝光播放机UDP-203,搭载了专业级四核系统...
Obviously finding a freeware player is out of the question, but I'd like find one that doesn't cost more than 4K Blu-Ray player that I can play my 4K Blus on...once I can afford to buy a 4K monitor! I don't really like Leawo because every time I've used it on both Windows...
虽然现在好多 4K TV 都内置 Netflix 等 4K 流媒体服务,不过如果想享受到最好的画质,4K Blu-ray / UHD Blu-ray 实体影碟依然是最好的选择,现在行货UHD Blu-ray播放器已经有很多款可以选,如果想趁新年升级下的话,这次就和大家分享一下现时市场上的 UHD Blu-ray 机选择,以及选购上要注意的要点。