Find a provider (Opens in a New Tab) Minnesota Special Needs BasicCare (SNBC) Medicaid Only UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Minnesota is offering Special Needs BasicCare (SNBC) plan which serves people ages 18 - 64 who meet eligibility requirements beginning Jan. 1, 2023. You can choose...
Please have your Medicaid and Medicare information ready Enroll in plan (opens modal window) Need help? Call us toll-free. 1-844-812-5967 / TTY: 711 8:00 am to 8:00 pm local time, 7 days a week Meet with a sales agent Find an agent in your area Enroll by mail Application ...
Get updates on Medicaid topics you care about Be the first to know about relevant news & insights by subscribing to our newsletter. Sign up now Health plans in your area If you're an individual looking for a health plan we can help. Find the plan you're looking for today. Find Pl...
Our MississippiCAN Medicaid Plan is for pregnant women, children and adults who meet income requirements. You can choose your own doctor and get extras that other plans don’t offer. Choose "See More Plan Features" to see what our plan offers you. Our Medicaid Managed Care Plan offers a ra...
HealthChoice offers health care to most Medicaid recipients and enrollment is year-round. These recipients select a Primary Care Provider (PCP) to be their personal doctor and oversee their medical care. For more information about Medicaid or Maryland Children's Health Program (MCHP), you can cal...
Once a claim is determined to be non-emergent, the payer will send a notice to the healthcare facility. Members can submit an attestation According to a 2019 UnitedHealth Groupreport, two-thirds of hospital ED visits by privately insured individuals are avoidable, ...