While most network-attached storage devices are based aroundolder platter hard drive technology, the DXP480T Plus leverages the latest and greatest tech for its storage. With fourM.2 NVMeslots, this NAS is off to the races when it comes to transfer speeds. These SSDs have theoretical transfer...
DXP4800采用高精密金属机身设计,3.5mm加厚机身,一体成型。配备儿童锁,锁定硬盘托盘,防止儿童误操作。空气动力学散热设计,贯穿式内部结构,14cm大尺寸静音液压风扇,高效散热不积热,低噪音更安心。 核心配置上,搭载Intel N100芯片,Intel 7 工艺制程,4核4线程核心架构,CPU睿频可达3.4GHz,内置Intel UHD Graphics核显。标配...
Ugreen, a leading innovator in consumer electronics, is excited to announce the launch of its inaugural Network Attached Storage (NAS) series. The launch is scheduled for March 26 on the popular crowdfunding platform, Kickstarter.com. This campaign is specifically aimed at users in the United Sta...
NAS,是Network Attached Storage的简称,翻译为中文就是网络附属存储。简单的说就是连接在网络上,具备资料存储功能的设备,因此也叫作“网络存储服务器”。它通 相关选购指南 UGOS Pro:轻松打造家庭文件管理站与影音娱乐中心,一站式解决存储与共享需求 写在前面上一篇文章中,我们讨论了绿联 DXP4800 的安装、部署及...
Network Attached Storage (NAS) is a type of storage that provides access to files over a computer network instead of plugging directly into a specific computer. It’s like a personal cloud storage option, though with no monthly fees, and users need physical NAS drives somewhere. NAS is ideal...
提及当前商品比“刚刚好”再多一点,绿联私有云DX4600富余性能,从新手入门到高阶都能畅玩! 什么是NAS?NAS,全称Network AttachedStorage,即网络附属存储器。简单来说就是一个能联网的存储设备。很多人就会想到用U盘或者移动硬盘这样的移动存储介质,通过USB接口就在可以 猜你喜欢 绿联(UGREEN)私有云DXP4800 16G版四盘...
提及当前商品比“刚刚好”再多一点,绿联私有云DX4600富余性能,从新手入门到高阶都能畅玩! 什么是NAS?NAS,全称Network AttachedStorage,即网络附属存储器。简单来说就是一个能联网的存储设备。很多人就会想到用U盘或者移动硬盘这样的移动存储介质,通过USB接口就在可以 猜你喜欢 绿联 私有云DX4600 32T四盘位Nas网络...