月21日,美国老牌摇滚乐队UGLY KID JOE将发表时隔7年的新专辑《天命的精彩之翼》(Rad Wings Of Destiny,戏谑了JUDAS PRIEST(犹大牧师)的《天命的哀伤之翼》(Sad Wings Of Destiny,1976))。“Failure”MV发布。, 视频
#2022新专# 美国硬摇乐队 UGLY KID JOE 新专辑,名为 "Rad Wings Of Destiny"(熟悉JUDAS PRIEST的朋友肯定看出,专辑名字是来自于他们的早期经典)专辑计划于10月21日发行。推出的第一首单曲“That Ain't Livin”则是向AC/DC致敬,你get到了吗?LXMUSICK的微博视频 小窗口 û收藏 3 ...
American hard rock bandUgly Kid Joewas very popular in the 90s, especially with their anti-romantic hit “Everything About You”. The song was written collectively by the band members. Featured on the band’s debut albumAmerica’s Least Wanted, the song saw number 3 in the UK and number ...
Ugly Kid Joe小简介Ugly Kid Joe仅仅享受了两次短暂的荣耀,可以说他们的成绩属于昙花一现那种类型。通过专辑《As Ugly as They Wanna Be》和《America's Least Wanted》,Ugly Kid Joe向世人展示了他们精力充溢的Funk Metal。暂无介绍 關注 單曲 播放全部 ...
When they made it big with "Everything About You," everything about Ugly Kid Joe screamed "one-hit wonder," but on Menace to Sobriety the bandmembers prove they're not going to let their 15 minutes go quietly. Forget the pop, Menace is UKJ's metal offering. Out come the Sabbath ...
#2022新专# 美国硬摇乐队 UGLY KID JOE 宣布即将发行新专辑,名为 "Rad Wings Of Destiny" (熟悉JUDAS PRIEST的朋友肯定看出,这名字是来自于他们的早期经典,有趣~)专辑计划于10月21日发行。主唱 Whitfield Crane与老一代硬摇滚乐手交情深,他不但曾经邀请 Rob Halford 参与专辑演唱,还曾经差点加入 BLACK SABBATH ...
ugly kid joe - C.U.S.T.专辑: As Ugly As It Gets: The Very Best Of 歌手:ugly kid joe C.U.S.T. - Ugly Kid Joe (丑孩子乔伊) Written by:Mark Davis/Whitfield Crane/Klaus Eichstadt/Cordell Miller Crockett/Dave Fortman I'm Frank Sinatra in a rock'n'roll band I'm a hevay...
As Ugly As It Gets - The Very Best of Ugly Kid Joe 1998年 That Ain't Livin' - Single That Ain't Livin' - Single 2022年 Rad Wings of Destiny Rad Wings of Destiny 2022年 Stairway to Hell Stairway to Hell 2017年 出现在以下内容中 Lemmy Kilmister代表作 Lemmy Kilmister代表作 Apple...
Ugly Kid Joe: how we made Everything About You 丑小子乔乐队:创作专辑《Everything About You》的点点滴滴 Klaus Eichstadt, songwriter/guitarist克劳斯-艾希施塔特,词曲作者/吉他手I was in my last year of high school. Glam rock and pop rock were huge. Bon Jovi and the Scorpions were doing all ...
Ugly Kid Joe是一个来自加州Isla Vista的硬摇滚乐队,乐队名字来自队中一位帅哥的外号。他们成名于90年代初,因为satire and hard而声名大噪。 Ugly Kid Joe仅仅享受了两次短暂的荣耀,可以说他们的成绩属于昙花一现那种类型。通过专辑《As Ugly as They Wanna Be》和《America's Least Wanted》,Ugly Kid Joe向...