Blind quality prediction of in-the-wild videos is quite challenging, since the quality degradations of UGC content are unpredictable, complicated, and often commingled. Here we contribute to advancing the UGC-VQA problem by conducting a comprehensive evaluation of leading no-reference/blind VQA (B...
A MATLAB implementation of feature fused VIDeo quality EVALuator (VIDEVAL) proposed in [IEEE TIP2021]UGC-VQA: Benchmarking blind video quality assessment for user generated content.IEEEXplore Check out our BVQA resource list and performance benchmark/leaderboard results in
The UGC Live VQA database-TaoLive 1. Introduction With the rapid development of social media applications and the advancement of video shooting and processing technologies, more and more ordinary people are willing to tell their stories, share their experiences, and have their voice heard on social...
UGC is quite challenging because the degradations of UGC videos are unknown and very diverse, in addition to the unavailability of pristine reference. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an accurate and efficient Blind Video Quality Assessment (BVQA) model for UGC videos, which we name 2Bi...
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -u \ --database LSVQ \ --model_name UGC_BVQA_model \ --conv_base_lr 0.00001 \ --epochs 10 \ --train_batch_size 8 \ --print_samples 1000 \ --num_workers 6 \ --ckpt_path ckpts \ --decay_ratio 0.9 \ --decay_interval 2 \ ...
视频简介 栏目介绍 来源:央视网 更新时间:2022年03月10日 05:17 视频简介:国家发改委:做好保供稳价,国内多方举措积极应对。 收视TOP榜 中央电视台网站 | 关于CCTV.COM | 总台总经理室 中国电视网|中广协会信息资料委员会|中广协会电视文艺工作委员会|中央新闻纪录电影制片厂 ...
不需要融资1000-9999人人力资源服务 楚先生人事主管 · 5年 我现任职于公司行政人事部,作为一名普通的行政人事干事,我深知我的行政人事工作任重道远, 要做好行政人事工作需要相当的学问。怎样做好行政人事工作,是大部分行政人事从业者需要解决的问 题。我在我的工作中遇到过很多的问题,但是都会得到解决,不是因为运...
问:10岁男孩脚跟痛走路不痛抬起来痛是什么原因(男,10) 答:考虑可能是足跟部韧带疲劳,针对本次问诊,医生更新了总结建议:建议热毛巾敷患处,外用云南白药气雾剂,口服洛索洛芬钠,如果检查去医院儿童外科,可以现在关注我,随访病情。