In my four years in Uganda, I have never heard of a local refusing US Dollars and I have even paid for things using Kenyan Shillings and Euros. I’m sure you can pay in other currencies as well but UG Shillings are the norm. It is very rare to find an ATM that will give out...
From Kitgum, the truck heads south to Kampala, crosses the headwaters of the Nile at Jinja, stops for paperwork at the Kenyan border and goes to the port at Mombasa, about a three day trip if the driver doesn't sleep. The drivers work alone, without relief drivers. One...
Shupler, M.; Mwitari, J.; Gohole, A.; de Cuevas, R.A.; Puzzolo, E.; Čukić, I.; Nix, E.; Pope, D. COVID-19 impacts on household energy & food security in a Kenyan informal settlement: The need for integrated approaches to the SDGs.Renew Sustain. Energy Rev2021,144, 11...